Php Pdo Ajax Crud With Datatables And Bootstrap Modals


In this article, we will explore how to create a PHP application that utilizes the PDO (PHP Data Objects) extension to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Ajax requests. We will also incorporate the DataTables plugin and Bootstrap modals to enhance the user experience and provide a more interactive interface.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we begin, make sure you have a local development environment set up with PHP and a database server such as MySQL. You will also need to include the necessary dependencies – DataTables and Bootstrap – in your project.

Creating the Database

We will start by creating a database that will store the data for our CRUD operations. Open your preferred database management tool and create a new database with a suitable name. Inside this database, create a table to hold the records we will be manipulating.

Configuring the Connection

In order to connect to the database, we need to configure the PDO connection. Create a new PHP file and include the necessary credentials and connection code. This file will be included in all the other PHP files where we will be performing database operations.

Creating the HTML Structure

Next, we will create the HTML structure for our application. This will include a container div to hold the DataTable and a button to trigger the bootstrap modal for creating new records.

Initializing DataTables

We will utilize the DataTables plugin to display the records in a tabular format with various features like pagination, searching, and sorting. Initialize the DataTable using the container div’s ID, and provide the necessary options and configurations.

Implementing Ajax Requests

To perform the CRUD operations without refreshing the page, we will use Ajax requests to communicate with the server. Create separate PHP files for each operation (create, read, update, delete) and write the necessary code to handle the requests and return the appropriate responses.

Creating the Bootstrap Modals

Bootstrap modals provide a sleek and intuitive way to display forms for creating and updating records. We will create two modals – one for creating new records and another for updating existing ones. Include the necessary HTML and JavaScript code to handle the form submissions.

Handling the CRUD Operations

Inside the PHP files that handle the Ajax requests, write the code to perform the corresponding CRUD operations. Use the PDO extension to execute the necessary SQL queries and return the relevant data or success/error messages.

Updating the DataTable

After each CRUD operation, we need to update the DataTable to reflect the changes made. Utilize the DataTables API to refresh the table and display the new data without having to reload the entire page.

Enhancing the User Experience

To improve the user experience, consider adding additional features like client-side form validation, confirmation dialogs before deleting records, and error handling for failed requests. These enhancements will make the application more robust and user-friendly.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to create a PHP application that incorporates the PDO extension, Ajax requests, DataTables, and Bootstrap modals to perform CRUD operations on a database. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a powerful and interactive application that provides a seamless user experience. Remember to experiment and customize the code to fit your specific requirements and design preferences.

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