How To Use Clip Studio Paint Brushes In Photoshop

Understanding Clip Studio Paint Brushes

Clip Studio Paint is a popular digital art software that offers a wide range of brushes to enhance your creativity. While it is primarily used as a standalone program, many artists prefer to combine its brushes with the powerful editing capabilities of Adobe Photoshop. In this guide, we will explore how to use Clip Studio Paint brushes in Photoshop and unlock a whole new world of artistic possibilities.

Step 1: Installing Clip Studio Paint Brushes

The first step is to download and install the Clip Studio Paint brushes that you wish to use in Photoshop. You can find a variety of brush packs available online, both free and paid. Once you have downloaded the brushes, unzip the files and locate the .ABR file extension, which stands for Adobe Brush File.

Step 1.1: Installing Brushes on Windows

If you are using a Windows operating system, navigate to the following location on your computer: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (version)\Presets\Brushes. Copy and paste the .ABR file into this folder. If Photoshop is already open, you may need to restart the program for the brushes to appear in your brush library.

Step 1.2: Installing Brushes on Mac

For Mac users, open Finder and navigate to Applications > Adobe Photoshop (version) > Presets > Brushes. Copy and paste the .ABR file into this folder. Like with Windows, you may need to restart Photoshop if it was already open.

Step 2: Loading Clip Studio Paint Brushes in Photoshop

Now that the brushes are installed, it’s time to load them into Photoshop. Open Photoshop and select the Brush tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Then, click on the brush thumbnail in the options bar at the top of the screen to open the brush presets.

Step 2.1: Loading Brushes from the Brush Presets Panel

In the brush presets panel, click on the small gear icon and select “Load Brushes” from the dropdown menu. Navigate to the folder where you saved the .ABR file, select it, and click “Load” to add the brushes to your library. The newly loaded brushes will appear at the bottom of the brush presets list.

Step 2.2: Loading Brushes from the Brushes Panel

If you prefer using the Brushes panel instead, go to Window > Brushes to open it. Click on the panel menu icon and select “Import Brushes” from the dropdown menu. Navigate to the folder where you saved the .ABR file, select it, and click “Load” to import the brushes. The imported brushes will be added to your brushes panel.

Step 3: Exploring Clip Studio Paint Brushes in Photoshop

Now that the brushes are loaded, you can start exploring their capabilities. Clip Studio Paint brushes offer various effects, textures, and styles that can enhance your artwork. Experiment with different brushes and adjust their settings to achieve the desired outcome.

Step 3.1: Brush Settings

To modify the brush settings, click on the brush thumbnail in the options bar at the top of the screen. This will open the brush settings panel, where you can adjust parameters such as size, opacity, flow, and blending mode. Take some time to familiarize yourself with these settings and find the perfect brush configuration for your artwork.

Step 3.2: Brush Blending Modes

One of the advantages of using Clip Studio Paint brushes in Photoshop is the ability to utilize their unique blending modes. Experiment with different blending modes to create interesting textures and effects. You can access these modes by selecting the desired brush and changing the blending mode in the options bar.

Step 4: Saving Custom Clip Studio Paint Brushes

If you stumble upon a brush configuration that you particularly like, you can save it as a custom brush preset for future use. To do this, click on the small gear icon in the brush presets panel and select “New Brush Preset” or “New Tool Preset” from the dropdown menu. Give your new preset a name and click “OK” to save it. Your custom brush will now appear in the brush presets panel for easy access.


By incorporating Clip Studio Paint brushes into Adobe Photoshop, you can take your digital artwork to new heights. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to install, load, and explore the diverse range of brushes available. Experiment with different settings and blending modes to unlock your creative potential. With Clip Studio Paint brushes at your disposal, your artistic possibilities are endless.

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