How To Call A Car In Gta 5 Story Mode


GTA 5, developed by Rockstar Games, is an incredibly popular open-world video game that offers players a vast virtual world to explore. With its immersive story mode, players can engage in various missions, heists, and adventures. One of the essential elements of the game is the ability to call for a car whenever you need one. In this article, we will guide you on how to call a car in GTA 5 story mode, allowing you to navigate the streets of Los Santos with ease.

Method 1: Using Your Phone

To call a car in GTA 5 story mode, you can use your in-game cellphone. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Access your cellphone

Press the up arrow key on your gaming console or the “Up” button on your D-pad if you’re playing on a controller. If you’re playing on a PC, press the “Up” arrow key on your keyboard to access your in-game cellphone.

Step 2: Open the contacts menu

Once your cellphone is open, navigate to the contacts menu. You will find it by pressing the left or right arrow keys on your gaming console or by using the arrow keys on your keyboard if you’re playing on a PC.

Step 3: Select “Quick Vehicle”

Scroll through your contacts until you find the “Quick Vehicle” option. This option allows you to call a car to your location instantly.

Step 4: Choose a vehicle

After selecting “Quick Vehicle,” a list of available cars will appear. Scroll through the list and choose the car you want to call. Keep in mind that some high-end vehicles may require you to unlock them first by progressing through the story mode.

Step 5: Confirm your selection

Once you’ve chosen your desired car, confirm your selection, and the car will be called to your location. You will see the car approaching on the mini-map, and it will arrive shortly.

Method 2: Using the Interaction Menu

If you prefer an alternative method to call a car in GTA 5 story mode, you can use the Interaction Menu. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Interaction Menu

Press and hold the “Back” button on your gaming console or the “M” key on your keyboard if you’re playing on a PC to open the Interaction Menu.

Step 2: Select “Vehicles”

Once the Interaction Menu is open, navigate to the “Vehicles” section. You can do this by using the arrow keys on your gaming console or by using the arrow keys on your keyboard if you’re playing on a PC.

Step 3: Choose a vehicle category

In the “Vehicles” section, you will find various categories such as “Personal Vehicle,” “Special Vehicles,” and “Pegasus.” Select the category that corresponds to the type of car you want to call.

Step 4: Select a specific vehicle

Within each category, you will find a list of specific vehicles. Scroll through the list and select the car you want to call. Similar to the phone method, some vehicles may require unlocking.

Step 5: Confirm your selection

Once you’ve chosen your desired car, confirm your selection, and the car will be called to your location.


Calling a car in GTA 5 story mode is a convenient way to quickly navigate the vast virtual world of Los Santos. Whether you prefer using your in-game cellphone or the Interaction Menu, these methods will ensure you have a vehicle at your disposal whenever you need one. So, go ahead, explore the city, and enjoy the thrilling adventures that GTA 5 has to offer!

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